Exploring Past Life Regression Therapy: The Basics

In recent years, Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) has gained popularity as an alternative healing technique. Rooted in the belief that individuals carry unresolved emotions, fears, and behaviors from past lifetimes into the present, this therapy aims to uncover and heal those buried experiences. While it might sound mystical, PLRT draws from a blend of spirituality and psychology to help participants uncover hidden layers of their psyche. But what exactly is it, and how does it work? Let's explore the fundamentals.

What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

PLRT is a therapeutic practice where a practitioner guides an individual into a deeply relaxed, hypnotic state, enabling them to access memories or experiences from previous lifetimes. The aim is not to relive these events for curiosity’s sake but to extract insights and heal emotional or behavioral patterns that may be obstructing personal growth.

This therapy is rooted in the concept of reincarnation, a belief that souls go through multiple lifetimes to evolve spiritually. Issues that might manifest in the current lifetime — such as unexplained phobias, chronic pain, or emotional blocks — are often attributed to unresolved trauma from past lives. PLRT seeks to uncover the root of these challenges and allow individuals to release them.

The Process of a Regression Session

During a session, a certified therapist guides the participant into a deeply relaxed state, similar to meditation or hypnosis. Once in this trance-like state, the individual is encouraged to visualize scenes, people, or events that emerge without conscious control. The therapist uses open-ended questions like, “What do you see?” or “What emotions are arising?” to guide the experience.

The memories accessed could be metaphorical or symbolic, not literal. Whether or not the events reflect actual past lives or subconscious imagery is secondary to the process — the key focus is on the emotions and lessons these experiences offer.

The Role of Hypnosis in PLRT

Hypnosis plays a central role in past life regression. It allows individuals to bypass their conscious mind and access deeper parts of the subconscious where memories and emotional patterns reside. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis in PLRT does not render someone powerless or make them unaware of their surroundings. Instead, it creates a heightened sense of awareness, enabling participants to safely explore memories while staying fully conscious.

Common Experiences During Regression

While every regression is unique, there are common experiences people often report during sessions. Some individuals recall living in another era or culture, interacting with people they intuitively recognize from their present life. Others might experience significant emotional releases, such as crying or a sense of profound relief.

Interestingly, not all past-life experiences are grand or dramatic. Some may be ordinary, focusing on mundane events like planting crops or interacting with family. However, even these simple memories can carry deep emotional significance, offering insights into present-life behaviors and relationships.

Is PLRT Right for Everyone?

While PLRT can be transformative, it’s not a fit for everyone. Those who are naturally skeptical or uncomfortable with concepts like reincarnation may struggle to engage fully in the process. However, many find value in the therapeutic aspect, even if they do not believe in past lives. The experience can serve as a metaphorical journey, providing emotional clarity and self-awareness.

Ultimately, PLRT is a tool for personal exploration and healing. Whether it unlocks actual past-life memories or serves as a therapeutic metaphor, the insights gained often lead to a deeper understanding of one’s inner world and life challenges.

C. P. Kumar
Reiki Healer 


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